Carpet beetles are common household pests that can cause significant damage to fabrics, carpets, and stored food products. Their larvae, known for their voracious appetites, are particularly destructive. Understanding how to identify and control carpet beetles is essential for maintaining a clean and damage-free home. Here’s a comprehensive guide on managing these pests, with insights from Saela Pest.

Identifying Carpet Beetles

Identifying carpet beetles and their larvae is the first step in controlling an infestation. These pests go through a complete metamorphosis, including egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages, each with distinct characteristics.

Common Species of Carpet Beetles:

  • Varied Carpet Beetle: Adults are about 1/10 inch long, with a black, white, and yellow pattern on their wing covers. Larvae are elongated, brownish, and covered with bristles.
  • Black Carpet Beetle: Adults are shiny black and about 1/8 inch long. Larvae are reddish-brown, smooth, and carrot-shaped.
  • Furniture Carpet Beetle: Adults are similar in appearance to the varied carpet beetle but often have more pronounced patterns. Larvae are shorter and wider, covered with dense bristles.

Signs of Infestation:

  • Damage to Fabrics: Look for irregular holes in carpets, upholstery, clothing, and other fabrics.
  • Larvae Presence: The larvae are often found in dark, undisturbed areas like closets, attics, and under furniture.
  • Adult Beetles: Adults are typically found near windows, as they are attracted to light.

Preventing Carpet Beetle Infestations

Preventing carpet beetle infestations involves regular cleaning and proper storage practices to remove potential food sources and nesting sites.

Cleaning Tips:

  • Vacuum Regularly: Frequent vacuuming of carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture removes larvae and eggs. Pay special attention to edges and corners where debris accumulates.
  • Wash Fabrics: Wash and dry-clean clothing, draperies, and other fabrics periodically to kill any eggs or larvae present.
  • Clean Storage Areas: Keep storage areas clean and dry. Use airtight containers for storing fabrics and susceptible items.

Proper Storage:

  • Airtight Containers: Store clothing, blankets, and other fabrics in sealed plastic containers to prevent beetles from accessing them.
  • Cedar Products: Cedar chests and hangers can help repel carpet beetles. Cedar oil can also be used as a natural deterrent.

Controlling Existing Infestations

If you identify an active infestation, prompt action is necessary to control and eliminate carpet beetles. Both DIY methods and professional pest control services can be effective.

DIY Control Methods:

  • Insecticides: Use insecticides labeled for carpet beetles in affected areas. Focus on applying them to cracks, crevices, and areas where larvae are found. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: This natural powder can be sprinkled around infested areas. It works by dehydrating and killing the insects.
  • Borax: Sprinkling borax on carpets and vacuuming it up after a few hours can help kill larvae and eggs.

Professional Pest Control:

For severe infestations or ongoing problems, professional pest control services like Saela Pest offer comprehensive solutions. Professionals have the expertise and tools to effectively manage and prevent carpet beetle infestations.

Benefits of Professional Services:

  • Thorough Inspections: Professionals conduct detailed inspections to identify the extent of the infestation and potential entry points.
  • Targeted Treatments: Saela Pest uses safe and effective treatments tailored to eliminate carpet beetles at all life stages.
  • Preventive Measures: Experts provide advice and solutions to prevent future infestations, including sealing entry points and recommending proper storage practices.


Carpet beetles can cause significant damage to fabrics and other materials in your home. By identifying the signs of infestation and implementing preventive measures, you can protect your belongings from these destructive pests. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and the use of natural deterrents can help keep carpet beetles at bay. For severe infestations, professional pest control services like Saela Pest offer effective and comprehensive solutions. By combining DIY methods with professional expertise, homeowners can maintain a carpet beetle-free environment and protect their homes from damage.